Can Naturopathic Doctors Do Adjustments?
First, let's start by answering the question. Yes, ND's can do adjustments. To pass the BC licensing exam, naturopathic doctors must be...
The Truth About Botox and Other Neuromodulators
The amount of people looking towards preventative medicine is on the rise and the field of anti-aging is no exception. Botox and...
Common Myths of Ketogenic Diets
The ketogenic diet is not a new diet, however, it has been on the rise again recently due to its many health benefits, including weight...
Myth Or Fact: Once You Damage Joints, There's Nothing You Can Do
Prolotherapy, also referred to as regenerative injection therapy, has been used for over 100 years. U.S. general surgeon George Hackett...
Myth or Fact: ND's are Primary Care Physicians
A growing concern for many individuals in Canada is a lack of primary care physicians. For many individuals, they grow up seeing the same...
Myth or Fact: To Remove a Tick Use Something Hot
As spring flowers begin to bloom and the weather warms up, people are pulling their bikes out of storage and lacing up their hiking boots...
Myth or Fact: Vitamins Are Just Expensive Pee
Has any ever told you that taking vitamin supplements just create expensive pee? Most people have heard this before but if we look at the...